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Name:alexander jackson
Info:special guy alex Alexandr Jackson "Theocraty" - teistic doctrine about antropomorfy God (in difference from Blavatskaya''s "theosophy") THE GOD IS UNIFORM. ONLY IT COMES UNDER VARIOUS NAMES- SHIVA KAPILLA KRISHNA VJASADEVA OSIRIS RAMSES TUTANHAMON JESUS KALKI-AVATARS AND THIS IS LAST. In searches of a spiritual life there is no sense to exhaust itself with the senseless interdictions, not having any attitudes to spiritual already by virtue of the materiality. As well as it is not necessary to refuse a wordly life except for harm to and another. I do not consider, that end in itself should be leaving in eternal spiritual life. Owing to perception of the world of spirit the person can live a spiritual life both on the ground and by virtue of knowledge of spiritual power already organize the life. That is I speak not about refusal from material, and about holly it. Just as the developed human spirit spiritualizes a body. ESOTERICS Not looking at external distinctions in ceremonies, the esoterics at all is uniform. The esoterics is an internal part of religion. Ezo-internal. The esoterics learns the device of a spiritual universe and spiritual structure of the person. 1 level-a material world. It corresponds sexual chakra. The material world as we know, operates according to strict laws. The reason of these laws is to the maximum point of spiritual life. I wish to tell it, that from 7-th level and downwards all world is arranged according to strict laws. Thus there are no miracles, and there are actions in conformity with knowledge of spiritual laws. 2 level-a biofield. It corresponds chakra digestion of food. 3. An astral. It corresponds chakra a solar plexus. According to mistiks, Is join between material and spiritual. In it the form is not lost yet, but it any more does not possess material. 4. Mental. Corresponds chakra breath. A level of iunea-ideas. 5. Manas (reason). Corresponds chakra to speech. 6. Budhi-an enlightenment. A level, through which devoted see a spiritual root of laws. 7. Atma-spirit. Corresponds chakra on top. A level of general unity of a universe. PRACTICE Reincarnation. (Memory of the last lives) Practising should easy start to remember events of last months, year, last years. To finish the memoirs to days of the childhood. Before infancy. It will be absolutely normal, if you recollect events from the childhood which any more did not recollect many years. But you distinctly recollect, that it took place to be. If you wish to become successful, you should reach the moment of a birth. And behind that and further, till the moment of death in the last life. When you already will reach memoirs of the last life, - last minutes lives and an output from a body, I advise to make a break. And after-too most, already On the last life. PRACTICE OF THE SOLITUDE This ancient practice is known from a cabbala. It allows to get into a spiritual reality independently. In her were engaged Jesus, Moisej, Ilya the prophet, and as kabbalisty rabi SHimon bar Johaj and Arizal. In a modern science "parapsychology" it refers to " as conditions strict solitude". It is necessary to abstain from dialogue. Monotonous and monotonous There should be an illumination, food and music in current of two weeks. The cabbala specifies term of 12 or 40 days. TEOKRATIJA 1 Maas Brejshit. It is literally - creation in the beginning. The world has been never created. Epoch which refer to Only alternated "Creations". It is spoken in a cabbala, that the previous creations were self-collapsing. Ours collapsing - the last, that is successful enough, having the right to be and will end with approach of paradise to the ground. From the beginning of creation before paradise on the ground it is allocated 7 thousand years. 2. Maas Merkava. -acts of a chariot. The angels having the maximal approach to Supreme refer to as a chariot. The chariot is described right at the beginning of prophet Izekeilja. There it is underlined, that number of angels multiply chetyrem-them 16, on four from each of four Steps. In a cabbala it is underlined, that showers possess a sex male-female. As a angels, their female possess also. On a cabbala as a sex the God, on-the man possesses also. The doctrine also consists in it about sfirot which has some perusals. 1 sfira-keter-Narajana. 8 subsequent-8 Vasu. 10 sfira-people of the highest spiritual .4 daughters Narajany having a spiritual birth, with 8 Vasu - 12 Aditi. And the last 4 The Brahma -first alive essence in the Universe, represented as one person with 4-iy heads. Terrestrial names of some of Vasu, known as spouses Avatara- Izida, Cali, Radharani, Maria Magdalina. DEVOTION When energy enters the head, thru the flesh and going out from the legs, we may have a grate power. When all chakras are open, we see the spiritual world, we also know about life after death, how to make things from nothing and how to go on water. But we don’t have to show this. Spiritual power it is a favorit! For spiritual world and spiritual knowdleges we do spiritual things. We have sistems to join material world and spiritual world. Material born from spirit. Spirit is soft material. Material is hard spirit. T Send your questions for email: You may to help to esoteric skool if you send money to account 295912, part 533 bank Apoalim Jerusalem.

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